A Modern World

By: Rowan Pierce (School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Eng.)
Competition Year: 2016
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I went to the woods this evening,
A particular place,
A place that is remote
A place only I know.
But still,
Locate in iPhotos.
And, no doubt iCloud.
You can try iMessage or Facebook,
You know how to track me.

It’s funny:
Technology is born and ever-growing
He shoots up. Builds an empire.
Fogging like the big smoke he
Is peering down on society
You are never truly alone.

We sulk and moan still.
Of course, we are right to
Question why there is
A lack of protection:
Of safety and security
For every person:
Young, old
Education, No education
House, No house.

We are told how to speak, act
And do.
Do not question. We are lucky.
Consider the poverty:

Yes. We are separate from ‘them’.

We continue to fight in wars
With no understanding or awareness for
Anyone that is affected.
Can we continue to blame the Media -
A lazy presentation?

I ask for more information.
But, it’s okay.
A modern technology. A modern world.
It is an insult to ask.
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