How did I get myself here? 

By: らみ (School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Eng.)
Competition Year: 2017
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How did I get myself here? 
I mean do I really want to be an Engineer? 
Could it really just be me? 
A bit unsure about my degree. 
Why not pick a course with a reading week,
One more chilled so to speak.
With the degrees to choose from, being such an array 
Googling, I think would be okay.
5 page essays … 12 page reports
 …. 6 hour labs, wow there’s degrees of all sorts.
Come to think of it, Mech Eng doesn't seem that bad,
It actually seems a bit rad.
I know rad’s not a word, used a lot in this age, 
But it wouldn’t be nice to stop rhyming at this stage. 
There have been some great times, I shall admit, 
And some great moments, through which I did sit. 
Watching my group car, whizz up the ramp, 
It wasn't the fastest, but I was amped. 
And you know, that's just the start, 
A small section, from a large part.
The post-graduate opportunities, from automotive to computing,
Are such a variety, this is without disputing. 
In this regard, the future really does seem bright.
With these exciting opportunities, I do feel delight. 
I better try to stay strong, when times are tough. 
The finish line, doesn't seem that far off.
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