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Dear Mother Earth
By: KevinL
(School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Eng.)
Competition Year: 2016 Votes (5) | Comments (0) |
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You who saw me come into this place
with innocent eyes and weak arms
You who witnessed my growth and maturity
thank you for receiving me in fields of green
Thank you for sparkling in me the curiosity
of my home, for things that are physical and mechanical
You who provided so much for me to understand
Your vibrant colours and all kinds of textures
Thank you for providing everything freely
without condition with no strings attached
If only i could know what is behind what
my not so innocent eyes see
to see what is behind your silent suffering
I wish i could hear your cries of help,
that my ignorance is killing you
I wish you could see you signing at me
that my ability could save you
that my curiosity and passion may inspire others.
I wish we knew that by saving you we save ourselves
If only we could realise that with your death
we die too
I wish i could believe that it isnt too late
That with integrals and differentials
i could make a difference
But who am i?
Who am i to even think that something could change
who am i to think that i can make a change
What is the point of knowing how to solve a
second order differential equation
when every four minutes forests the size
of footballs are burnt across the nation
You that gifted us with beautiful fields
that now are ashes on a barren land
When did our ingenuity was overtaken by greed
that our ability to innovate and to foster was blinded
by the need and want of material things
When did we stop caring about our home
When did we decide it was ours to keep,
or rather ours to destroy
Maybe just maybe another crazy math head like me
will hear the whispers
maybe that same math head will see
the signs that are being signed to us
And maybe then together enough math heads will gather and join the fight, the personal fight to stop greed
to recognise the need for us to work together and break our differences, to unite in brotherhood, that the very same passion
for numbers will bring us into understanding and just like that
with science and progress, we shall leave a green field for our children to run, a clean ocean for them swim and a clean atmosphere for them to breath