On an Architrave

By: Fabio M Zennaro (School of Computer Science)
Competition Year: 2014
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Μηδείς ἀγεωμέτρητος εἰσίτω μου τήν στέγην.

There was a time
a man could not step into the Academy
if he did not know how to read
the proofs of Euclid and the symbols of Pythagoras.

Ne ineat is qui litterarum lingua non loquitur.

There was a time
a man could not step into the Academy
if he did not know how to read
the prose of Galilei and the Latin of Newton.

A time when man,
striving for truth,
would walk many narrow paths,
trivia and quadrivia in the West
and in the East six-streets crossroads.

When did our tower fall?
When did our tongues get mixed and confused?
When did our ways part?

It is now a time
we drive along wide
one-dimensional highways.

A time in which
we wall our reason
and segregate our imagination.

In which we wall and segregate

As if a sky could be admired
contemplating only one shard of it,
As if light could be understood
appreciating only one of its colours,

As if Man could be
segregated and walled.

May we write on a hopeful architrave
to the halls of our Academies:

Here is welcome he who wishes to understand why stars shine.

Here is welcome he who wishes to understand who Man is.
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