Oh, the things that I could do

By: A Faulkner (School of Electrical and Electronic Eng.)
Competition Year: 2017
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You know that day before exams,
Spread are your books across the lands.

Friends and family we cannot talk,
For I didn’t do so well in my mock.

Chapter one here chapter eight there,
Twenty more chapters that I cannot bear!

It bores me to read Mano and Kime,
I much rather seek friends who have wine.

How many carriers are in this transistor?
I cannot say for my mind’s in a twister!

A break, a break,
5 minutes I’ll take!

Oh dear pillow, how I’ve missed you.
Soft and supportive, I’ll almost kiss you.

This month it’ll end, and I’ll be free.
Exempt to do, whatever I need.

Clean my room, that I’ll do first.
A smells developed, oh it’s the worst.

Drinks with friends, mixers we’ll swirl.
Easy on the vodka, or else I might hurl.

But the next semester, rumours make me dread,
Here in Manchester… I’ll wake with eyes red…

Is there a point to all this?

Oh, the things that I could do,
Because of science my friend, there really are few.

I yearn for freedom I long ago had,
Instead the tedium, it’s really all a drag.

Blameless I’ll be if I give up now,
“You tried”, they’ll say, it only made you scowl.

Do something else, money I’ll make,
Nice and easy, so my head doesn’t ache.

As a child looking back, who did I kid?
Daydreaming as I slack, it’s all that I did…


Before being called a raver,
Despite all he proved,
Did Galileo aver,
You’re right we do not move?

Just before he tore,
His papers in days of yore,
Did Tesla say no,
These patents I will not throw?

Sat back on his chair,
While he was a pacifist,
Did Einstein declare?
I will not fight these fascist?

Did they all waste their time and effort?

Science they’ll say, isn’t grey and without hope,
It’s magic for dreamers, peering through kaleidoscopes.

Not for fame nor for glory,
But so humans together will climb another storey.

Why we bother with such tiring regimes?
How could I forget, it’s for realising dreams.

I must be mature, and maintain, still! My focus,
Even if for now, it all sounds like hocus.

Oh, the things that we could do,
With science my friend, there really aren’t few!

A break, a break,
5 minutes, time to wake…

Oh dear, oh dear,
My mind now it’s clear,
I still have to work and pass to stand amongst my peers!

Inside this library with knowledge without end,
Learn it all, I must! Properties of the Zinc blende.

Components of a flip-flop,
How it goes tick-tock.

Integrating by parts,
Now I guess that’s a start.

Maclaurin series: done! Oh I love this freeness,
Hang on this graph, it looks like a p-
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