Soul Meets Body.

By: Jilsx (School of Chemistry)
Competition Year: 2014
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I am a High frequency, High amplitude vigour
Great beating like the culmination of waves travelling
Intensity like sound and light
A new interface bending the apex of space time with body and finger tips
Those words roll off your tongue, diffracting through the gaps in my body
I refract your laser snipered insults
And reflect back the virtual mirror of your myriad existence

The you now on the accelerating bullet
Floating in the distance, seeing me not as I am
A barely physical thought, anthropomorphised
The centripetal forcing bend that accelerates you into my orbit
Lightly floating photons excited into infinity, I feel you inside me
The hot exhalations of your body heaving
Beads of nectar rolling down your face
I spin and twirl, our wavefronts, synching into secondary wavelets of ecstatic entropy
The damping of our harmonic rhythms slowing with periodic sighs
We stagger off into quarkic oblivion.
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